Why Reels are the Best Way for You to Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram

Justas Kuzma
3 min readJan 2, 2021


Learn how to properly use the Reels feature on Instagram

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Nowadays Instagram releases a lot of updates with new features. They want to make sure that all the users are comfortable using Instagram and that creators can grow more easily. Social media sites these days even copy each other's ideas. That was how the Reels actually were created. It was a very clear copy of TikTok.

My name is Justas, I own a page on Instagram with over 15 thousand followers. I started it 3 months ago and the experience I gained over that period of time is just invaluable! I don’t want to act like an Instagram guru, because I am not one, but I wanted to help you all grow on Instagram the fastest way possible! In this article, I will tell you why using Reels over Instagram Video and IGTV will help you grow on Instagram a lot!

But first, I wanted to say that a lot of people liked my most viewed article which is called “The Single Best Strategy to Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram”. It may really help you! Check it out!

And also I wanted to tell you guys that it’s possible for you to grow your page WITHOUT DOING ANY WORK! If you are interested, read this article to the end to find more information.


Reels were introduced about 5 months ago, so that’s still a very new feature on Instagram, so it will get much more exposure from Instagram and explore page, just because Instagram always does this with new features. They want more people to start using it, so they push out Reels videos to many more people.


What I mean by saying that it’s much easier to consume is that the maximum length of a Reel is 30 seconds. It’s even 2 times shorter than a maximum TikTok length. This means that people will more likely watch your whole video, just press the heart button and scroll further. This will work because people are not going on Instagram to watch a 10-minute video, they want to entertain themselves fast and leave.


A lot of people right now just stick to Instagram video, Stories, and IGTV because they are afraid of change. You have to be brave and make a change. If you will be one of those who actually start using Reels, you will get much more eyes on your content and, of course, many more followers.


My bonus tip for using Instagram Reels would be to include a call to action in the very first line of the caption. If you look closely into Reels, it only shows the first line of the caption when you are scrolling through, not many people will press that “show more” button, so if they see that you are actually offering them to follow you, maybe they will at least check out your page!

This was all I wanted to tell you about Instagram Reels. Right now I want to tell you how you can grow an Instagram page WITHOUT DOING ANY WORK AT ALL! Well, I offer services where I manage other people’s Instagram pages. I already got two offers and I really recommend you check out this LINK for more information!

I truly hope that this article helped you at least a bit and that you will gain even more followers and engagement using Instagram Reels. Also, I wanted to recommend you to check out these creators if you want to learn more about Instagram and social media in general: Gary Vaynerchuk, Shelby Leigh, Diana Rus, Moss Clement, Ruslan Galba.

Good luck and chase your dreams!

