5 Biggest Mistakes That Are Stunting Your Growth on Instagram

Justas Kuzma
4 min readJan 1, 2021


Learn what not to do on Instagram!

Right now growing on Instagram from the very start is extremely hard. The competition levels are higher than ever. That’s why people are trying to figure out ways how to overcome the competition but sometimes those solutions may lead you to an even deeper hole.

I am Justas, I own a theme page on Instagram with almost 15 thousand followers and I have a lot of really valuable experience related to growing on Instagram. I personally made a lot of mistakes while building this page and I want to share it with you all, so you can learn from me! Hope this really helps you grow!

But before we start, I just wanted to say that my article called “The Single Best Strategy to Gain Thousands of Followers on Instagram” really helped a lot of people to gain followers much faster organically, so I recommend everyone to check it out!

And one more thing, I offer you an opportunity to grow your Instagram page WITHOUT DOING ANY WORK AT ALL! If you are interested, read this article to the end and find more information there!


A lot of people think that growing on Instagram is not hard and that they can post whenever they want to. If you have over a million followers, then yes, but if you are just starting out, then I am afraid that you are wrong! You have to set a number of posts that you will upload per day and the times you will upload them. After that, you have to stick to your posting routine all the time. That will extremely help to increase your growth.


One of the most important things on Instagram when it comes to growth is page optimization. It’s the very first impression your account visitor gets. It can determine if you will get a new follower or not and at the very start, every follower is important! You have to upload a profile picture that is relevant to your niche, also it has to be clear to see and it should tell the people what your page is about. When it comes to a page name it’s also pretty simple, you have to create a name that is one word (it must not have any dots or underscores) and it should tell the visitors what your page is all about too! Bio is pretty much the same, just include no more than 5 lines of text that will explain to people what will they get from your page and you can also include a call to action line at the end!


Hashtags are one of the most important things that should help you grow your page on Instagram, so you must know how to use them. You should search for up to 30 hashtags that have a lot of total posts but not a lot of posts per day (if a hashtag has 100 thousand total posts and up to 80 daily posts, it’s a good hashtag). All this information you can find using a tool called “Hashtastic”, it has a free version which also works perfectly!


The next really big mistake is that people often choose a very broad niche (which is bad) or they don’t even have a niche at all. You MUST choose a niche to see growth on Instagram nowadays. The niche must be not too broad tho because then it will be harder to gain followers and to monetize your page. For example, the car niche would be too broad but the BMW car niche would be great!


You absolutely must interact with other people in your niche. And by interacting I don’t mean just replying to comments on your posts, by telling you to interact I mean that you have to go on big hashtags in your niche and comment something nice on every single post, the more you comment, the more followers you will get. You have to give value to other people first, then they will give value to you!

Right now I want to tell everyone how they can grow their Instagram page WITHOUT DOING ANY WORK!!! Well, there is an opportunity for me to manage and grow your page! If you are interested and want to try it, click this LINK for more information!

I really think that this article will help you to get on the right track and gain a lot of followers on Instagram much faster! I wish you a happy new year and I hope that your dreams will come true!

